Ruth 1. Israel endures a famine, and a small family moves to Moab.
Judges 16:18-31. Delilah knows Samson’s secret…but what will she do with it?
Judges 16:1-17. The Philistines find Samson’s weakness…pretty Philistine girls. And watch out for the bloopers at the end!
Judges 15. Samson continues the fight against the Philistines.
Judges 13-14. God raises Israel’s 12th and final judge to deliver the Israelites from the Philistines.
Judges 10-11. God raises Israel’s 8th judge to deliver the Israelites from the Ammonites.
Judges 6:34 – 8:32. God raises Israel’s 5th judge to deliver them from the Midianites.
Judges 6:1-33. God raises Israel’s 5th judge to deliver the Israelites from the Midianites.
Judges 3:7 – 5:31. Israel’s cycle of good and evil begins.
Judges 1-2. Would the Israelites finish conquering Canaan?
Mama joins Papa again to talk about Satan.
Job 2:10 – 42:17. Would Job curse God and die?
Job 1:1. – 2:9. Taking a break from our usual story to talk about Job!
Joshua 14:6-15, 17:14-18, 23:1-16, 24:1-33. Joshua’s leadership finally comes to an end.
Joshua 11, 13:1-7, 22:1-34. The Promised Land is divided among the tribes…but civil war is on the horizon.
Joshua 10. The Amorites were none too happy that the Gibeonites made peace.
Joshua 9. The Canaanites had two options…run or die. But the Gibeonites came up with a creative third option.
Joshua 7:1 – 8:29. The Israelites run into the next city…and suffer a surprising defeat.
Joshua 5:13 – 6:27. The Israelites run into the most fortified city in Canaan – Jericho!
Joshua 3-4. The Israelites finally set foot in the Promised Land.
Joshua 1-2. The Israelites decide to spy out the Promised Land.
Mama joins Papa again…this time to take on a tough topic.
Deut. 4:44–34:12. The old warrior is finally laid to rest.
Num. 25:1-18. Israel cannot fall by the sword, but they CAN fall by temptation.